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What We Offer

*Download Consultbydoc Patient App Best Care & Best Doctors Online Consult top doctors online & get responses for your health problems, and treatment instantly. Our integrated portal is designed with…

IHS offers not only onsite wellness programs but also helps you to get relaxed and restore your employee’s energy, and fully level up their mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being…

IHS offers a wide range of healthcare networks from Hospitals, Diagnostics and Medical Clinics to Insurance companies for conducting Annual Policy Health Checks. Why Should You Choose IHS? IHS coverage…

One in every of the most effective ways for employers to satisfy their legal and moral obligations to their employees is to supply care training to employees. Having employees trained provides benefits that aren’t always obvious. during this article,…

Disease management may be a healthcare approach that teaches patients the way to manage a chronic illness process. during this way, patients learn to require responsibility for a way to require care of themselves. Patients know the way to avoid their health…

A health risk assessment (also known as a health risk appraisal) is an instrument used to collect health information, typically coupled with a process that includes biometric testing to assess…

Employee wellness programs are programs undertaken by an employer so as to boost employee health and also to assist individual employees overcome particular health-related problems. The employer can give compulsory employee training, staff seminars, or perhaps work with Infinite…

Employee wellness programs are programs undertaken by an employer so as to boost employee health and also to assist individual employees overcome particular health-related problems. The employer can give compulsory employee training, staff seminars, or perhaps work with…

Rural Health care is one amongst the biggest challenges facing the Health Ministry of India. With quite 70 per cent population living in rural areas and having low levels of health facilities, mortality rates because of diseases are high. Download our Whitepaper Rural Health Care- Towards Healthy Rural India, on how technology is often leveraged for improving health care in Rural India, excerpts are below.

The spiritual aspect of wellness is more of a private matter. Spirituality means connecting yourself with the planet and to seek out your house in it. Spirituality is quite the short-term happiness that physical things bring into life. it’s long-term happiness…

A Financial Wellness Program is often an addition to plain employee benefits and goes beyond retirement planning and investing information. A well-rounded Financial Wellness Program will promote the accurate understanding and proper application of…

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