Employee wellness programs are programs undertaken by an employer so as to boost employee health and also to assist individual employees overcome particular health-related problems. The employer can give compulsory employee training, staff seminars, or perhaps work with Infinite Health Studios (IHS) offering a range of wellness programs.
Employees are invaluable assets of any company, and ensuring their excellent mental and physical health sets them up to perform well. The health and wellness of its employees usually have an instantaneous effect on the productivity and profits of a corporation. Many employers understand this and are able to spend money on such programs.
Benefits of On-Site Wellness Programs
Even though the benefits of an employee wellness program are also hard to work out initially glance, employees who are healthy usually bring a variety of advantages to other employees and to the businesses they work for. Here are a number of the advantages of an employee wellness program.
1. More productivity
Employees who eat healthily and exercise regularly are likely to be more productive than those that don’t. Poor health behaviours are usually linked to high levels of unproductivity and ultimately cause higher health risks and chronic diseases.
2. High employee morale
Wellness programs make employees feel appreciated and valued. Employees are happier after they feel appreciated and valued by their employers. The offer of wellness programs usually ends up in more enthusiastic employees at work.
3. Improve recruitment and retention of employees
Good wellness programs will help companies to rent, and further as retain, the most effective employees. many of us are strongly influenced by the presence of health offerings and other benefits after we choose an employer. Wellness plans also play an important role in employee retention, by helping to stay the workers loyal.
4. Reduced absenteeism
Workplaces with comprehensive wellness programs experience less absenteeism because employees are healthier and suffer less stress, resulting in cost savings.
5. Reduced health risks
Helping employees adopt healthy behaviours like eating well, exercising, and avoiding tobacco lowers health risks. Low health risks result in reduced health care costs.
6. Building camaraderie among workers
Some initiatives offer employees the prospect to experience other activities unrelated to figure, like participating in a sports team, visiting the gym, or eating lunch together. The interaction of fellow workers facilitates bonding that helps teams work better together.

Examples of On-Site Wellness Initiatives
- Yoga & its kind
- Zumba
- Self Defence
- First AID & CPR
- Dance
- Team Building
- Outdoor Activities
- Fitness
- Recreational Activities
many more customised programs*