We work with Govt. , PSUs & Development Sector to improve Rural Healthcare.
Rural Health care is one amongst the biggest challenges facing the Health Ministry of India. With quite 70 per cent population living in rural areas and having low levels of health facilities, mortality rates because of diseases are high. Download our Whitepaper Rural Health Care- Towards Healthy Rural India, on how technology is often leveraged for improving health care in Rural India, excerpts are below.
The reality of Healthcare in Rural India
Healthcare is the right of each individual but a lack of quality infrastructure, a dearth of qualified medical functionaries, and non-access to basic medicines and medical facilities thwart its reach to 60% of the population in India. A majority of 700 million people live in rural areas where the condition of medical facilities is deplorable. Considering the image of grim facts there’s a dire need for the latest practices and procedures to make sure that quality and timely healthcare reaches the deprived corners of Indian villages. Though lots of policies and programs are passing the govt the success and effectiveness of those programs are questionable thanks to gaps within the implementation. In rural India, where the quantity of Primary health care centres (PHCs) is restricted, 8% of the centres don’t have doctors or medical staff, 39% don’t have lab technicians and 18% PHCs don’t even have a pharmacist.
India also accounts for the biggest number of maternity deaths. A majority of those are in rural areas where maternal health care is poor. Even privately sector, health care is commonly confined to birth prevention and antenatal care and doesn’t be more critical services like labour and delivery, where proper medical aid can save a life in the case of complications.
Due to non-accessibility to public health care and the calibre of health care services, a majority of individuals in India address the local private health sector as their first choice of care. If we glance at the health landscape of India 92 per cent of healthcare visits are to personal providers of which 70 per cent is urban population. However, private health care is pricey, often unregulated and variable in quality. Besides being unreliable for the illiterate, it’s also unaffordable for low-income rural folks.
To control the spread of diseases and reduce the growing rates of mortality because of the lack of adequate health facilities, special attention to health care in rural areas. The key challenges within the healthcare sector are the calibre of care, poor accountability, lack of awareness, and limited access to facilities.
Various organizations are coming together for improvements in health care and technology plays an important role to facilitate this. Information and engineering provide a host of solutions for the successful implementation of those changes.
IHS Programs for Rural Healthcare
- CSR Programs
- Running and Management of PHC & UHC
- Outreach Camps
- Targeted Disease Management
- Health Camps
- TeleHealth